10-Step Training & Implementation Model

An overview of the 10-Step lean transformation system developed by Chris Turner.

How does any business begin?

The first step of lean transformation for any organization is to identify where the problems exist in their current business processes. There is usually more than one problem. These problems are stopping the organization achieving its business goals and objectives.

What does a business need to do?

An organization needs to prioritize their problems. They must first define and identify the activities in the current process. Once the current process has been identified and defined, a company can determine the root causes of the problem and find solutions to eliminate them.

How does a business do it?

An organization will define their current process using a team of employees who have been trained to use Lean tools. Value Stream Mapping is an excellent technique for identifying the activities in a current process. Once the current state has been defined and the waste identified, the team will be able to develop a future state. Next, they will develop an implementation plan to manage the action items and execute the plan.

10-Step Training & Implementation Model

Chris Turner took his knowledge of the Toyota Production System and his hands-on experience helping companies to successfully implement lean principles to improve their business processes. He realized there was no defined system to guide an organization through their lean implementation process. In the late 1990s he designed and developed the “10 Steps to become a Lean Enterprise” training and implementation model. He used the 10 Step model with his clients, and found it helped them to get a better understanding of when and how to implement the lean tools and techniques. Chris also designed and developed a road-map to demonstrate how an organization could use the 10-Step training and implementation model:

radical lean transformation

Click the image to see a larger version.


Lean Transformation Starts with Education!

A company starts their Lean Transformation by educating their employees to understand lean principles and how to apply them to improve their workplace.

An important aspect of any Lean Transformation is improvement and this requires change. Employees, supervisors, and the management team must all be on the same page as the change is being implemented.

Change must be managed, it does not occur by chance. Lean Transformation will often require a paradigm shift  in the organizational culture, and this can be stressful if it is not managed in the right way. A management team must ensure that the right information is being given to their employees at the right time to allow them to understand what is happening and why it is necessary to do it.

10 Steps to Become a Lean Enterprise

We have a complete lean training and implementation curriculum based on the "10 Steps to Become a Lean Enterprise" training and implementation model that was designed and developed by Chris Turner. He identified the implementation sequence for the lean tools and techniques that delivered the best results:

10-Step Training Model (Click image to see larger version).

lean training & implementation model

10-Step Training & Implementation Model

For more information about each step in the 10-Step model, click the links below:

Step 1 - Strategy Deployment (Hoshin Kanri)

Step 2 - Value Stream Mapping

Step  3 - Workplace Organization

Step  4 - Improve Process Flow

Step  5 - Reduce Process Downtime

Step  6 - Implement a Pull System

Step  7 - Balance the Workload

Step  8 - Develop Standard Work

Step  9 - Advanced Problem-Solving

Step 10 - Lean Supply Chain

Implementing the 10-Step training and implementation model into your organization is the first step towards transforming your business into a Lean Enterprise. We know it, we've seen it, and we guarantee it!

10 Step Model Overview Video

In this short video, Chris Turner - Lean Mfg. Coach gives a brief explanation of the steps in the 10-Step Lean Transformation Training and Implementation Model.

Lean Training Focused on Three Business Sectors.

We offer several lean modules, and we can deliver them to your employees either with one of our facilitators on-site, or online through our self-paced online training courses.

The on-site and online training courses cover three specific business sectors, which are Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Administration (Office). You can see more details about each business sector by clicking on a specific image:

lean manufacturing training online

lean healthcare training online

lean office training online

Lean Competency Levels.

We provide focused lean training courses with three competency levels for each of the three business sectors - Manufacturing, Healthcare, and Administration (Office). These competency levels are:

Level 1 - Lean Awareness (Beginner)

Level 2 - Lean Practitioner (Intermediate)

Level 3 - Lean Expert (Advanced)

To see more information about our online lean manufacturing training courses, just click on one of the images below, and you will be taken to one of Radical Transformation's premier lean training websites

lean six sigma awareness training online

lean six sigma practitioner training online

lean six sigma expert training online

 To find out more about the online lean training courses just click on one of the images above, and you will be taken to one of Radical Transformation's lean training websites.

Categories: : 10-Step Model, Training